
Most of the publications below can be downloaded as PDF file by clicking on the corresponding PDF icon. A BibTeX entry for each of the publication can be downloaded by clicking on the TeX icon. Some publications also have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) link.


Mélissa Côté, Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu, David Capson, "Video summarization for remote invigilation of online exam", In Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), (Lake Placid, NY, USA), pp. 1-9, March 7-10 2016.


Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu, David Capson, Eric Higgs, Jason T. Fisher, Brian M. Starzomski, "Visualizing Category-Specific Changes in Oblique Photographs of Mountain Landscapes", In Proceedings of the the Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), (Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy), May 25-29 2015.

Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu, David Capson, Eric Higgs, Jason T. Fisher, Brian M. Starzomski, "The Mountain Habitats Segmentation and Change Detection Dataset", In Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), (Waikoloa Beach, HI, USA), pp. 603-609, January 6-9 2015.


Frédéric Jean, Aleya Gebali, Trevor Beugeling, and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "An Educational Visual Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Imaging", In Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE'2012), (Seattle, Washington, USA), October 3-6 2012.

Frédéric Jean, "Gait Analysis, Modelling, and Comparison from Unconstrained Walks and Viewpoints : View-rectification of Body-part Trajectories from Monocular Video Sequences", PhD Thesis, Université Laval. Quebec City, QC, Canada. April 2012.


Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu, and Chantal Dumoulin, "Feature-Based Tracking of Urethral Motion in Low-Resolution Trans-Perineal Ultrasound", In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'11), (Boston, MA, USA), pp. 6639-6642, September 2011.

Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin, and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Human gait characteristics from unconstrained walks and viewpoints", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, (Barcelona, Spain), pp. 1883-1888, November 6-13 2011.

Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Rectification métrique de la démarche d'une personne à partir d'une seule caméra calibrée", In Vidéo numérique: Traitement, analyse et reconnaissance, ACFAS 2011, (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada), May 2011.


Frédéric Jean and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "VIPERS: Visual Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Imaging Systems", In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Software Visualization, (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA), pp. 211-212, October 25-26 2010.


Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu and Robert Bergevin, "Towards View-Invariant Gait Modeling: Computing View-Normalized Body Part Trajectories", Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no 11, pp. 2936-2949, November 2009.

Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Computing and Evaluating View-normalized Body Part Trajectories", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, no 9, pp. 1272–1284, August 2009.


Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Trajectories Normalization for Viewpoint Invariant Gait Recognition", In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), (Tampa, Florida, USA), December 8-11 2008.

Frédéric Jean and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "The Visual Keyboard: Real-time Feet Tracking for the Control of Musical Meta-instruments", Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 23, pp. 505-515, 2008.

Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "View Normalization of Body Part Trajectories", In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS 2008), (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), pp. 51, May 27-30 2008.


Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Wolfgang Schloss and Peter Driessen, "Computer Vision-based Interface for the Control of Musical Meta-instruments", In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (Beijing, China), July 22-27 2007.

Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Computing View-normalized Body Parts Trajectories", In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, (Montreal, QC, Canada), pp. 89-96, May 27-30 2007.


A. Branzan-Albu, D. Laurendeau, S. Comtois, D. Ouellet, P. Hébert, A. Zaccarin, M. Parizeau, R. Bergevin, X. Maldague, R. Drouin, S. Drouin, N. Martel-Brisson, F. Jean, H. Torresan, L. Gagnon and F. Laliberté, "MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras", Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), (Hong Kong, China), August 20-24 2006.


Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Robust Real-Time Tracking of Body Parts from Monocular Video Sequences", In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS 2005), (Quebec, Quebec, Canada), pp. 30, June 5-7 2005.

Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Body Tracking in Human Walk from Monocular Video Sequences", In Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), (Victoria, BC, Canada), pp. 144-151, May 9-11 2005.


Frédéric Jean, Sébastien Quirion, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Skeleton-based Segmentation and Recognition of Human Activities from Video Sequences", In Procedings of the 14th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS 2004), (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), pp. 46, June 6-8 2004.